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  • ≪TOYOSHIMA×Jomon Planning ×Japan started ≫ recycling-type program "Tourism for Tomorrow ~Yaeyama Beach Clean Project~" to learn about sustainability through travel lectures, experiences, and utilization!


TOYOSHIMA × Jomon Planning × Japan Travel≫ Start of a circular program "Tourism for Tomorrow -Yaeyama Beach Clean Project-" to learn sustainability through lectures, experiences, and utilization!

Press ReleaseReleaseCollaborativeSustainability
Toyoshima & Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, President: Hanshichi Toyoshima Jomon Planning LLC (Head Office: Ishigaki City, Okinawa Prefecture, Representative: Hidenori Tanaka), and Japan Travel Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President: Etsumitsu Koyano) have collaborated to create the "Tourism for Tomorrow ~Yaeyama Beach Clean Project~," a learning program that leads to SDGs that can be used in educational trips.
This program is a recycling-oriented program that provides preliminary learning on marine litter problems in Okinawa and the Yaeyama Islands, practices of on-site garbage collection activities, and returns collected waste to students through fiber processing and productization.
Through this collaborative program, the three companies will create an opportunity for students who will lead the future to perceive environmental issues as "Jibun Goto" and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through learning opportunities.


<Overview of business alliance>
It is estimated that 150 million tons of plastic already exist in the ocean, and 8 million tons of new plastic is said to flow into the ocean every year*1. Under these circumstances, the three companies that are focusing on SDGs collaborated to consider creating content that appeals to Generation Z, who will lead the future, and started a program in cooperation that makes use of the strengths of each company.
This program, which provides a place for young people to learn about environmental issues and think through their own activities, is not only used in educational settings such as high school school trips and university circles and seminars, but also corporate initiatives and employee training programs that are interested in the SDGs. Also available as part of

*1. McKinsey & Company and Ocean Conservancy (2015)
Neufeld, L., et al.(2016)

▶Characteristics of the circular program “Tourism for Tomorrow ~Yaeyama Beach Clean Project~”

1. Pre-training
The impact of marine plastic waste in the Yaeyama Islands on the sea and living creatures, and what happens after it is collected, etc.
In order not to end with "just picking up marine debris", we will learn in advance.

2. Beach clean on Ishigaki Island
We will actually do Ishigaki Island beach cleanup activities. While learning the choice to reduce waste, not to produce or throw away,
We will practice activities to protect the beautiful sea of Ishigaki Island even more beautifully.

3. Making one-of-a-kind items with recycled materials
Among the drifting garbage collected through the activities, what about PET bottle garbage Toyoshima & Co., Ltd. Depending on the mechanism possessed, it will be reborn as "UpDRIFT"™*2 fiber. Using this fiber, students create original apparel and bag products. For the students, it will lead to the experience of having an object (product) with an unprecedented story: "Garbage collected during cleanup activities to protect the beautiful ocean becomes something used in everyday life."

4. Feedback to your community
We will think and discuss what we can do in our own area and how to reduce waste, not generate it, and prevent it from being thrown away as our own matter.

*2 What is UpDRIFT?™
Fibers developed by Toyoshima & Co., Ltd. made from garbage such as PET bottles scattered in the sea, rivers, and forests.
"UpDRIFT"™ is one of the five missions in the SDGs Declaration announced by TOYOSHIMA in June 2020. Contribute to Creating materials that are friendly to the earth: Consumers' "wants" while tackling the problem of waste in the sea, rivers, and forests We aim to create products that are close to the following and achieve our mission.

株式会社日本旅行事業共創推進本部 兼 SDGs推進チーム

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社名    :  豊島株式会社
代表    :  代表取締役社長 豊島半七
本社所在地 :  愛知県名古屋市中区錦2-15-15
設立    :  1918年6月
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1841年創業。180年の歴史の中で、時代の変化に応じて事業領域を拡大。現在では世界各地から原料・糸・生地の買付け・販売や、最終製品の企画から生産管理、納品まで一連のプロセスを手掛けファッション産業のあらゆる過程において総合的に事業を展開しています。また、持続可能なライフスタイル提案企業としてさまざまなサステナブル素材の開発と提供、そしてテックベンチャーへの投資やスマートウェアの開発を推進しています。2019年より、「MY WILL(マイ・ウィル)」をステートメントとし、サステナブル&テクノロジーに対する当社の姿勢を打ち出しています。

社名    :  合同会社縄文企画
代表    :  田中秀典
本社所在地 :  沖縄県石垣市字大浜165-1
設立    :  2020年12月
サイト   :

社名    :  株式会社日本旅行
代表    :  代表取締役社長 小谷野 悦光
本社所在地 :  東京都中央区日本橋1-19-1
創業    :  1905年11月
サイト   :


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