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Recognition of “Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization 2019-White 500-”


February 21, 2019


This time, Toyoshima & Co., Ltd. is working to promote the spread of health management.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council jointly implement the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization 2019~White 500~"

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization system is Based on the health promotion efforts promoted by the Japan Health Council,
This is a system to recognize corporations that are practicing particularly excellent health and productivity management.

Our company has been certified for two consecutive years since last year.
Going forward, we will continue to expand systems that enable each and every employee to maintain their health and fully demonstrate their abilities.
In order to "continue to be a company that is required by the times", which is our management philosophy,
We will promote the creation of workplaces where people can work in good physical and mental health and with full of vitality.

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